It is a work in progress.
Looks great, but, what is going on with that foliage in the first picture? Seems a tree is creeping through the window.
Nice use of wood grain.
I really like the inset shelving on the 3rd picture.
Hey man! Glad to see you are back at it! But umm where is the shower head??
Also, you should add some flowers to the “living wall” to add some pop colors.
Really nice! The only things I think are missing is the sink and I want to know what is going on with this part:
since it seems to be floating
And in the topic of toilet papers remember to add one next to the toilet
my bad thats just me looking at a free model
thanks for the feedback
Wow this looks extremely realistic I love it!
Love it! The speakers are bothering me a bit though. TV speakers don’t look like that lol.
sure they do:
I think it looks very good. Did you use PBR textures at all? If not I recommend it. The only thing I could think of is shadows. Looks a little lacking, but I am not sure if you want it that way or don’t know how to achieve greater shadows. It also might be the angle or your light source (I assume the sun).
Looks amazing. Only thing I’d tweak is the lighting to make it look more realistic.
Yes, I used the new 2022 material service PBR textures.
Looks very good. Glad to see somebody finally using the new textures.
the vertical w all garden d oesnt really have that much variety of plants
great, amazing, love it, on top, OG, crazedbrick, awesome
It looks great, although aren’t the pillows a bit too blocky on the chairs in last photo?
Textures here are really messed too
i don’t see any circles on that…
This looks great crazed! You deserve to be on a Front Page game dev team!
I would say to just make the black circles contrast a little less with the rest of the box. It will give it a bit of a less cartoony look for speakers.