I’ve made some vehicles for my moon game and I thought I can get some feedback on my creations, since making vehicles that work on space needs some thoughts and ideas, it needs to make sense so it doesn’t look like I just made a normal car/train/plane that works on space, but in the same time, I don’t want to ruin the art style.
do I need to change, remove, or add something? Please let me know!
Wow. Just wow. These vehicles all look amazing and really fit in with the moon’s aesthetic. The thing I suggest changing is the name for the moon car (I have no idea if you’re making a moon city), because it doesn’t feel like a company vehicle. I suggest renaming it to “Moon Buggy” or “Moon Jeep”. Other then that, I have nothing to say, as this is my initial reaction and response.
Wait… Do you work for Innovation Inc? I see all the markings of Innovation Inc. (Sorry if this is irrelevant.)
Also, did you use Roblox Studio parts or Blender parts? It looks like a crossover, and is that the case?
Yes, I’m a member of Innovation Inc., and I’m making an open-world moon base game, it’s still early in development, and it won’t be done any time soon since I’m the only one that works on it 90% of the time.
and to answer your question, no, I did not use blender, this is just Roblox Studio parts. that was later turned into a mesh to prevent lag.
The only thing I feel is lacking a bit is the wheels for the vehicles. Since moons are typically crater-ridden, moon vehicles would have to be built to handle rugged terrain. That being said, I’d like to see some more hydraulics and the like incorporated in these builds. They don’t have to work, necessarily, just look real.
Other than that, they look great! Very Innovation Inc.-y.