Feedback on my most recent commission!

Hi guys! I recently created this thumbnail for 1k robux! I would really appreciate feedback!!


Wow, that is AMAZING. 11/10 work!

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Thank you so much!! Ahh this char limit…

Great work, i cant add anything else.

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Are you’re coms open, I would love to hire you!

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This thumbnail is just incredible! I think it came out amazing like the detail that went into this and the time most have been a decent amount. I give it a 10/10 keep up that great work!

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My commissions are currently closed due to independence day. They will open after July 9th!

100/10! Really good. I like it.

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Great work on it. Looks pretty good.

Some things you can try to add are the helicopter just some how floating. Try to maybe make it look like it is spinning and lastly the top left picture of the city looks nice but maybe try just adding another building there.

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Wow!!! Truley amazing work dude. I hope you’re proud of it :fire::heart_eyes:

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Wow, great GFX! I love how much effort you put in this work.

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Wow, this looks great! I think you’re undervaluing your performance heavily.

You should consider raising the prices of your commissions as they’re pretty high quality. I understand that you may want to keep it reasonable, but you should be able to get more for your efforts. :upside_down_face:


Thank you!! I might consider raising my prices :blush:

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Thanks for the great feedback!! I’ll keep this in mind for my next thumbnails :blush:

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For 1k this is too much to give away. Good work

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It’s really good but the only one thing I would work on is the helicopter swing effect, it looks like it’s stopped in mid-air, else 10/10!

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You did a good job on this :+1:

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Looks great! I have two problems though. The helicopter is just floating there way to close to the building. The other one is the truck and car are different style models. Otherwise looks awesome!

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Actully its really GOOD it looks AMAZING, The shadows so good, keep going.

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The few issues with this image are:

The helicopter looks like it’s in free fall. Add some rotation to the propeller and some motion blur.
The sheriff truck and patrol car are different styles, try to keep the models the same style.
The police officer in the center doesn’t look like he’s holding his sidearm very well, try to place the gun in his hand instead of barely touching it.
Makes little sense that the felon in the image is already in prison clothes, or that the officer taking him into custody is in full SWAT gear.
The background does not match the rest of the image, it’s too saturated and too highly detailed to match the image. Same goes with the street, it’s too high quality to match the style of the image.
The lighting direction does not match. The sky behind shows that the image is side lit, but the characters and vehicles are front lit.

One last thing are the character poses, they don’t look natural, they seem like they are simply moving their legs as one like R6, but have bends in their limbs. Try adjusting their poses a bit.

Other than these issues, it’s not super bad. I’d give it a 7-8/10.

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