Feedback on my mountain island

Hello and welcome to my topic,
today topic gonna be about my mountain but wait, it’s not an ordinary mountain…
it was a special mountain that was made by me and also what do you think about this mountain?
here the picture the mountain I m working on:

Do I need to change the shape of the mountain or no?
anyway, the land is not finished yet but soon when it was finished the land will have a lot of trees and also some people. not only the land we gonna talking about but also a lot of space to wander around. but for now, I just wanna tell you what can I put on this BIG island?

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Okay, I need to know this:

  1. Is that a template?
  2. Did you just generate that?
  3. Is that yours?

This is to prevent you receiving another strike (from your last post).

If you did build that yourself:

It looks pretty good. Though I think you should make the bottom wider.


The bottom isn’t wide enough, it look like more a tower than a mountain for now.

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okay this is my answer:

  1. it was but i working on it to make it smooth. i not generate but i make it to look cool
  2. yes it was mine if you want to see you gonna wait until i uptade the game
    this post are not strike like from my last post and i was sorry about the last post but the last post i sent got flag by me to avoid hate.

i hope you understanding and also thanks for asking for a few changes to the island i was made.

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I think I agreed with your feedback, the mountain looks like sharp teeth but no worry the bottom of the mountain will remake look like an actual mountain but it will take a while to make so I hope you can be patient about this problem.

thank you for the help…“SPycre”, I hope you have a fantastic day.


It looks great so far! I would just expand on the detail such as trees.

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