Feedback on my mountain!

Hello, I am a programmer and builder and I made this mountain for a game, obviously the mountain still lacks details to do like vegetation but i would like your some feedback on it.


Thx for reading and sorry for my english! :slightly_smiling_face:


The first 2 pictures of the mountain,the mountain looks like the ones of jailbreak; it actually looks awsome.
At the second picture,try making that "wall"a little curvy,only if that mountain was an wall type of mountain.(I dont actually know what it is called,but i think this explains it a little.)


Not too bad, though the wall in the 2nd picture to the left looks a little too steep.


It looks a little bland like you said

Some things I would suggest are adding grass, trees, and maybe water.


I made a change in the area and I would like to know if you would refer to this!


Not bad, looks pretty good for a mountain.

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You should add some of the new types of grass and maybe trees. It looks a bit plain.

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the grass is active but in the that in the images they are not seen clearly and the subject of the trees that I already said previously is still to be done

It looks really nice, i like the attention to detail, such as the valleys in the first picture, you could paint the steeper slopes with the rock material, or just where the grass turns into soil. It looks great so far, if you’re going for a steppe-like look you don’t need to add lots of trees, but pay attention to other features, such as ravines, rocks, outcroppings, etc.

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Thanks for your comment, I will take into account everything said!

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I love it! They all look very natural, the final picture just confuses me a little bit since there’s mini spots and lines of grass, though looks great.


Thanks for your comment, I try to make it as natural as possible by taking inspiration from a game with a beautiful landscape!

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You should add some snow at the top

No, I meant the new type of grass Roblox added recently. You added the basic grass.

Looks nice! Maybe add some grass to it.

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Add some steps to go up the mountain. That might look nice.

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I hadn’t thought about it, thanks for the idea!

New grass? If you don’t mind, could you tell me its name?

I did it at first, but I removed it as it was going to make much bigger mountains.

I think there is an plugin that adds an realistic grass.From what i remember ModelCreatorX has made an video about some useful plugins,which one of them may be it(Sorry if his yt name is incorrect,i forgot xd.)