I would like to state that i made these models horrendous on purpose as it is a preferred style.
Pic #1
Pic #2
Critique my style however you can
- doe
I would like to state that i made these models horrendous on purpose as it is a preferred style.
Critique my style however you can
That looks terrrifying(In a good way) are you currently working on a project thats possibly horror themed.
These trees would fit perfectly.
Hm… I really do like the mutant theme they for sure look mysterious.
They look amazing, I like the way they curve forward. If I can ask what genre game are they going to be in?
They definitely fit the mutant theme, nice work! Some suggestions tho:
Looking forward to the finished map!
Looks great! But, you should try and get more of a colour variety in the leaves itself, it will help make it look more horrendous in a way.
i will make another and show you with all your recommendations
Quickest way would be to add a decimate modifier and change the settings to your liking.
I agree with @LowPolys to use decimate for a quick fix. I also recommend minimizing the use of subsurf modifier (in other future models) since that increases tri count tremendously. You can practice manipulating or adding loop cuts yourself to achieve some curves.
This is a pretty late reply, but it helps if you decrease the edge/face count as well! (You should probably select with edges, easier to handle & manage!
You’re able to mass select by first selecting a ring of edges and then follow this short gif! Just make sure you avoid any curves that give your model the bend it does now!
You can also decimate it, as suggested in previous comments as well! I only use it to decrease my tris count in the slightest way, decimating it too much will completely distort the original shape/style/look of the model if you over use it.
Hope this helps in some way!
P.S. The skin modifier is a very tricky modifier to use, you want to watch carefully on how you use it! Refrain from adding vertices that you don’t need in the wire-model before you apply the modifier! And stay clear of Subdiv!
For actual feedback on your original image, I would try to add a variety of shape in your leaves on the Icospheres! Leaving them in their original ball form can make a tree look really weird and kinda ugly if not used properly, you can always use videos for reference, or a few images of my own trees that I’ve made!
Also, to give it a leafy-shape, try to use the Proportional Editing tool (O, in Blender) and pulling the bottom center vert up & the center side vert’s down a little :- )
thanks alot fellow dev 30charr