Feedback on my new Flash GFX

so i have made a gfx on flash
i made the gfx on Blender
So its good or not

Its for my game there is the link


It looks nice very good, but for some reason it instantly reminded me of a little big planet cutscene.

The GFX looks dope but you might want to make a background.

Hmm. Well for one thing, the “lightning” should reflect more on the character, and there should be a background with lighting.

Very G00D Keep It up you should a background tho and make the character bit brighter
maybe a flash costume?

the pose your character is in is pretty stiff. try raising the legs/feet to look more like they’re sprinting. also, it just looks like there’s strings attaching. try adding some other effects or make it more glow-y. the background is pretty bland and it’s very dark. either maybe make it a different color or make the background a scene from real life.

It looks basic, especially the lighting itself, possibly tweek it a bit in blender.

The run pose should definitely be more expressive. Personally, I would make the arm and leg movements more extreme and move the character forwards a bit. If you can, make the streaks of light more like lightning and less like strings–it currently looks like glowing strings are attached to the character and he’s pulling something off screen. The streaks of light don’t actually emit any light, make them shine on the character’s back. Also light up the front of the character so it’s more dynamic. Not too bad, though!