Feedback on my new game Trick or Treat in Noobie Hills

I have a roblox trick or treating game called Trick or Treat in Noobie Hills. I want some feedback as what I could add to the game/remove and what I can improve. I also need some support with ideas and things about the game.




GUI is blocking my view, i cannot remove it, not even scaled

Map looks plain, maybe add more buildings?

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Will Do, I plan on adding another neighborhood area and a drive in theater

Will fix the GUI also

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If you would like to retest I updated the GUI and am fixing the Costume Shop script. I am also building a Drive in Movie Theater

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I tested it and the costume GUI thing is still not fitting on my screen.
The headlights are uneven

Another thing, I think people wouldnt even know how to play if they just joined, Idek if they would know how to trick or treat in this game

Anyway, good work

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Let me update it right now. forgot to do that, try now.

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It looks better now, but the shop doesnt work.

Thanks for scaling the GUI

I am currently working on the shop to get it to work.

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