Feedback on my new game

Hello, I have created this game in 3 days and I’m looking for some feedback on the game. Specifically feedback that answers these questions:

  1. Was there anything that made you want to leave?
  2. What made you want to continue playing?
  3. Will you come back to the game tomorrow? (explain why, if possible)
  4. Was the tutorial easy to understand?
  5. Is there anything I can improve on?

Any other feedback is also welcome! and do not hesitate to post negative feedback, it will only make the game better in the end :slight_smile:

Here’s the game link:
:fire:burn stuff for money - Roblox


After playing for about 30 mins, the gameplay got stale to me. Well, it did before reaching 30 mins, but I wanted to keep pushing to see as much as I could. The CoreLoop of the game is good I think. Burn stuff, buy stuff, repeat until rebirth.

I’m glad to see there’s data saving. That means people can come back, the daily rewards are cool too. The game is a “turn your brain off” kind of game I think. Maybe you could market it that way.

I guess unlocking new things to burn. Maybe different kinds of fire would help with it feeling a lot of the same. :person_shrugging:

If I remember, sure! I’d like to see the red fire. :>

Outside of giving feedback, I don’t think it’s entirely what I enjoy. I mean no disrespect, but this game feels like a game to play when I don’t know what else to play. (if that makes sense).

Kind of. Most of it made sense. I’d read something, get confused for a second, look around the world/UI and then go “oh” occasionally. I’ll link a video of me playing if that helps to see where I got stuck for a bit. You can ignore the rest of the video or watch in x2 speed. :sweat_smile:

More fire options, more stuff to do in the spawn area/in general (small obby maybe?), and maybe an updated tutorial. The UI design is great. I noticed the leaderboard near the spawn has a UICorner that’s quite large; and I’d personally make that smaller, but that’s preference.


List of things for the description:

  • The description of the game has “tags” when Roblox asks developers to not do that.

  • “get rich” feels redundant because “get money” is already said. I’d say one of them, not both.

  • The “lagging?” part doesn’t need to be there I think.

  • The line “use money to burn items and get rich!” can replace the “burn stuff”, “get money!”, and “get rich” I think. Redundant to have both the line and the list when they say the same thing.

There could also be more thumbnails for the game maybe. There’s only one.

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Thank you for this, you have provided very valuable feedback and the video is definitely going to help me understand your experience & to improve the game.

I agree with all of the points you’ve made and will be making changes to the game within the coming days based on this feedback. I’ll write up a reply with the changes once they’ve been published.

It is more of a “turn your brain off” kind of game, and it’s also intended for a younger audience of U13’s so I completely get this.

I’m a little conflicted on this one. I could add a fire shop (with different kinds of fire, as you mentioned) or I could make it so that you unlock different fires as playtime rewards.

I’m thinking playtime rewards, as this would likely boost playtime, and I also think that a fire shop could potentially mean that the players are overloaded with too many different features/things for them to upgrade/buy (because they already need to upgrade their spawn limit, rebirth, buy new lighters and buy/spawn items).

Do you have any opinions on which route to take here? (open to different approaches as well of course, if you have any)

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Totally agree with the playtime incentive and that fire shouldn’t be bought. Additionally, I think the fire should be purely aesthetic. I only bring up the fire because the visuals stay very similar, so changing the fire can change a feeling of stagnation maybe. The flamethrower and whatnot (the ability to buy different lighters) is enough for the buying aspects of things.

Speaking of lighters, I forgot I could do that in most of my gameplay (as might be obvious in the video). A reminder for the player when they have enough to buy the next best lighter would be nice.

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Here’s what I’ve done:

I have made some changes to the tutorial so that it now guides you to the areas you need to click/goto, and also made it so that you do not need to press “next >” to move onto the next step of the tutorial.

I have added more fire options; you can see them at the “rewards” billboard at spawn! They are a playtime incentive as we discussed the other day.

I completely agree, and I have made the UICorner smaller.

I have added another thumbnail, and will likely add more at a later date (wanted to push out this update ASAP so haven’t had much time to make more).

I have added a reminder for when the player can afford the next lighter.

While I do completely agree with this, I’m currently not willing to change the description due to this: Updated Experience description dropped experience from all search results, reverting description did not fix
We’re only just seeing an increase in search results and I definitely do not want to reset that. I’ll make the description changes as soon as I hear that this is fixed.

I have struggled to think of anything to put in the spawn area (such as a small obby) due to it having limited space, and I don’t really want to change the size of the spawn. I’ll keep thinking about a way to make the spawn area more interesting because I do agree that it’s currently not very interesting.

Thank you so much again for the detailed feedback and video, it’s definitely contributed positively to the game!

Also, I have made it so that your account needs to complete the tutorial again so that you can see if the new tutorial is any better (if you’d like to). I’ve also changed the “Red Flame” reward for a 2 day login streak to “Void Flames” as I believe players should think this is “cooler” → D1 Retention increases hopefully.

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That’s very valid, thanks for linking that post. I try to stay up-to-date with as many posts on search and discovery as possible, but I didn’t see that yet. And, I thought Roblox putting down a game after updating metadata (which includes the description) was supposed to happen as per the docs:

When updating your experience’s metadata, it may take up to 14 days for your experience to repopulate in discovery pages and search results.
Source: Discovery | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

I fear my own game may have an issue and I just don’t/won’t know it. If a staff member is confirming that what happened was a bug, what about all the people who don’t/can’t report these issues? Being honest, I’m scared that when I do market my game that it will flop, and bugs related to the discovery system isn’t helping that.

On that note, whatever added should probably make sense for the game itself. An obby a common thing in some game lobbys, but I don’t think it’d match your game. :person_shrugging:

Maybe just some benches and/or general environmental pieces to liven up the area (trees mainly come to mind).

Edit: the issue with Roblox I had fixed after I restarted my laptop. Odd. Anyways… I like the updated tutorial. Maybe the yellow directing UI can be used for the matchstick and spawn buttons in the tutorial (if that makes sense).

The crate system for fire is also nice. I was going to say it could be made into UI, but I enjoy it being in-world. The beam of arrows that points to it when the time comes solves the issue a bit of players forgetting about it.

The background music gets old after listening to it as long as I have; I’m sure other players would also enjoy some more music variety.

Being able to use the helicopter, tank, etc. would also be a nice touch. Maybe even destroying other people’s builds, but that would have some issues to tackle like who gets what money and players helping each other and so different game experiences :person_shrugging: .

old reply

I’d love to check it out, but I’m currently facing a bug where Roblox thinks I’m running cheat software. Maybe it’s my VPN, but I can’t join any Roblox games. I’ll try stuff myself and make a bug report if I have to. Anywho, I’ll update you on the update after I get the situation fixed.

Oh, and to everything else, it’s a :+1: to me. :grin:

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No problem! And I thought the exact same, but it seems as if that quote from the docs is only for major changes to experience metadata, as the staff member did word it this way:

“Updating description the way you did should not have caused this and our team confirmed that it has nothing to do with the description update.”

The mention of "the way you did " seems to suggest that the small change that the developer made is not supposed to invoke the whole repopulation process.

I feel the same way, and actually, the discovery system does feel a little flawed in my opinion. I can go into more detail about why I think this privately if you’d like. (preferred Discord, username: Cooqi) I also have a recent launch success (this game) for which I can share the launch strategy if that might help.

That’s true, actually, although in terms of target audience I definitely think an obby would be quite a fit for my players on this game. I’ll probably leave it as you suggested though because you’ve made a good point about it not matching the game.

I like this idea, I’ll do some experimenting and will make changes if I can come up with something that looks nice. The spawn area definitely needs some improvement either way; it’s kinda bland.

Great! I did actually experiment with the directing UI for the matchstick being equipped, but due to how the default tool UI scales, it’s quite difficult to create something that fits for all screen resolutions so I think I’ll have to leave this out for now unfortunately. I do agree that it could be used for the spawn button though and I’ll make this change in the next update.

I thought to make it in-world to give people a small break from the constant loop of just burning things. Haha I added the arrows because when testing, despite literally being the developer, I completely forgot to go back to the rewards billboard every 5 mins.

Very very valid point. I’ll make sure to add some different soundtracks in the next update. Thank you for this suggestion.

It would be nice, but this would significantly increase development time for the game and would introduce a whole load of different issues such as: players trapping others under their vehicles, players pushing other’s items off the edge of the map or away from them, god knows what else.

As you mentioned, this would be so difficult to properly balance rewards / progression speed that I honestly just don’t think it’s worth adding. It would be very cool though; perhaps it could become a mid-priced game pass used purely just to “troll” people and not for any reward?

Perfect! Also thank you for the extra feedback :wink:

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I’d rather it be a thing for all players, but I’m not opposed to the gamepass idea entirely. That said, I don’t think it should be a thing. Not giving a reward for burns others’ stuff makes sense from a safe-guard view, and not promoting trolling I guess, but then it makes the whole thing a little redundant if nobody gets rewarded for the stuff burned by others. It could allow others to help the owner of the item if it rewards the person who spawned the item, but that might also be counter–initiative.

Also, side note, the game doesn’t seem to be playable on PlayStation currently. A friend of mine tried playing on PS5, but couldn’t join. I wonder if that’s intentional or not. For supporting gamepad in general, for ease of support, I can recommend using the Gamepad Virtual Cursor and the Gamepad APIs. They can be a bit annoying to set up though: