Feedback on my new GFX

Greetings, everyone. I wanted to show you and get feedback on the new completed GFX! I will post 2 versions with and without text, because I am still trying to improve my text making techniques. I know it’s not perfect and has some mistakes, but I don’t think it’s that bad considering I don’t make GFX scenes often!

With text


looks very detailed and the lightning is so good.
impressive. good job.

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Thank you so much, I appreciate your feedback! :smiley:

It looks awesome. I can tell your a pro :sunglasses:. I like how you make the back blurry so you focus on the character.


Hey! This looks really nice, but I noticed the volumetric explosion in the back doesn’t have enough sampels, as a fellow artist, I noticed it, but its probably not a big deal. The explosion takes on a little bit of a blocky feel if you dont edit any of the imported settings. Other than that, really good lighting, I feel like it could use a bit more scenery or terrain to look at? The car is also just kinda floating in the sky, not really much skars or marks of gunpowder from the explosion, not even split up peaces. The bottom right hand corner is visible showing some slight opening and nothing in the background.
Just some simple tips and feedback, keep up the great work!!!


It looks pretty cool! I love the pose and explosion in the back. I’m just confused about where the red lighting comes from in the front. There’s also quite a bit of noise on the head of the person. Overall, nice gfx!

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Omg that’s amazing! Keep up the great work!

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Thanks for the nice words, I appreciate it! :slight_smile:

Thank you so much and I agree with everything you have said! I will make sure to fix them next time, best regards! :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much! Yeah, I noticed that too a bit late. :smiley:

Thank you so much for the motivation! :smiley:

Here are several critiques that could improve this GFX.

Firstly, the explosions aren’t bright enough to replicate an actual explosion.

Secondly, the explosion itself is way too large for a normal explosion that an IED would produce.

Thirdly, cars don’t fly into the air like the red car is.

Fourthly, the cop is barely even holding the pistol and the grip should be farther into his hand.

Fifthly, the face looks grainy and wasn’t properly either denoised, or you forgot to denoise.

In all, it is a mediocre GFX, but there is lots of room for improvement.

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Thank you so much, I appreciate the time you took to explain my mistakes in detail!

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cars can fly into the air like that, I think that part is okay

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Yeah, I had something else in mind but it turned out that way. Maybe I could have made them a little different and added explosion damage.

Nah its fine dw about it. the car can sometimes fly in the air like that if the car is jumping off the ramp.
Its totally fine.

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Mhm, that’s what I thought. Thanks! :smiley:

No problem! Glad we got the same mind

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