Hello! Let me introduce myself! i am Galaxyy! i’m new to the devforum and a few minutes ago i just finished making a logo for my group! this is my first time making a logo like this and i was wondering if i could have some feedback on what i could improve on and what i did well! thank you for taking the time to help and read! have a good day!
The logo is not the best I feel it could be. For it needs to have a more cartoon feel and right now it just looks very plain. I would suggest adding some more style to it.
If you see this logo it pops out more and has more feel to it. Yours just looks a bit plain.
For a first logo that’s good, but there are definitely somethings you could add. For example blue and blue really dont catch my eye maybe try the back group blue and the words white. Also you could add some objects in there. Example a wrench and hammer crossed. Just keep up the good work.