FeedBack on my New released Military Academy

So I just released My New Game and I Need someone to tell me some bugs and little stuff so I can see what I should Fix Obviously this is a BETA so you Guys Will Find a lot of Bugs (or no)
Here’s the Game, I hope you Guys Like it! (Shhh join the group)


I finally got in the game! I like the aspect of the game, although the gamepass shop GUI clipped over the Main menu buttons. But all and all, I see no problems other than that. I like the snow that’s everywhere. And I like the presents on the side of the road. I’d say you did a good job!

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Thanks! I Really Need this Cause Its a Future Project so I Think this could be a successful game and group! Have a Nice day!

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Oh wait! Before you go I found more problems while playing the game! The gaps at the entrance gates are too large and people could slide through easily, and the soldier hat dislocates from the head. But this could be fixed easily!

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Alright! I’ll be Fixing this at soon as possible! Thanks!

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Oh and Before you go, Do you Know any way to grow up the game and Group? I feel like it’s dead When I Just released It Yesterday :confused:

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I don’t own a group. But I would try to advertise the group or game! But both at the same time is good! Another thing I would do is talk about the game on platforms! And the final thing I would do is wait. Game popularity takes time to build up. So I would just sit back and wait!

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Thanks for the suggestions! Really helpful!

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Roblox is currently down but I will be sure to look at it tomorrow and give you some feedback. The only feedback I can give right now is that the icon for the game is good. I am not a gfx artist but it looks good to me. (I am a builder and I do minor scripting)

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Alright! Thank you! Try it tomorrow to tell me some stuff!

Also, I have loads of experience on robox groups and I would be glad to help. Contact me if you need anything (painfultacoking#6582)

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Alright!! I’ll contact you tomorrow or later!

Okay, it looks like the game page section of roblox is up, so I visited the game. Heres my feedback and bugs you can work on to improve the game.

-The intro is amazing, however I noticed that the gamepass gui is overlapping with the intro gui. You might need to create a script where the gamepass gui is not there until you hit play.
-The neutral team is basic training, I would put the neutral team as citizen. I don’t know if you have auto team scripts for different teams. If you don’t I would put them in there so like if you are a certain rank in the group, you would be set as a certain team. Or an alternative solution is to add a team changer.
-I think the other person said this, but the gate bars are spaced out to where you can go in first person or shift lock to fit through. Also I would add a group/rank only script for the button to open the gate. You can also jump on the smaller fence and jump onto the pillar of the big fence and then jump down to get over the gate. Make sure to add an invisible wall over the main gate.
-I was experiencing some lag, the problem is if you place a bunch of high quality trees down, it starts to get laggy. In addition to reducing the trees, I would union parts and put unneeded parts to cancollide off to reduce further lag.
-Just a suggestion, mabye you could add rank only items besides giving recruits/privates full access to auto guns. I have worked on improving ACS (The gun system) for about a year now and I will be free to give advice on improving the guns/guis etc.
-The pads that I will show in the picture need to be lifted a tiny bit more off the ground, at certain camera angles it disappears.

The builds are are nice and mabye you could add like some backround music of just like realistic sounds going on.
Thats all I have for now. Just some bugs and suggestions that you can work on.

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Really Helpful! Thank you so much! I’ll work on it tomorrow since it’s 3 am so time to sleep. But Thank you for the suggestions and Bug Reports!
I already add you on discord so will could talk about this things tomorrow! Have a Nice day!