Feedback on my new Shirt?

I made a new White and Purple shirt

Appearance shown

Here is the link to the shirt

I got inspiration from this one


(found it from the luunerstars account)

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What do you think of it


Not bad but could have some detail.


Agreed, but I suck at doing tiny details soo yep

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Yea I did too but now I am decent at detailing. I suppose one thing you can do is to darken the area where the coat ends and add stiches then darken the area where the t-shirt meats the purple coat? And then just add random ooga booga lines everywhere.


Matches your pants in pastel colours and it feels okay.



I am not talking about pants in this case, though I will make pants that matches with the shirt


Well I wanted to pull an argumemt, that the shirt can match pastel coloured pants, so if I wanted some pinkish shirt, I would pick yours.

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It looks alright, but it looks a little flat (if that’s the right word?) Maybe try adding some sort of neckline to the white part, and have the purple cut it off, (since I’m assuming you’re trying to make it look like a jacket, like the shirt you were basing it on) which could help make it look more like the jacket is actually on top of the shirt.

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Exactly what I am trying to do

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It’s quite decent ig, but the design is bland.

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