Feedback on my new story game

Hi there!

10 minutes ago, I released my new game, Birthday [STORY]. (On my developer account (Jayy_N)

Please could I have some feedback on it? I plan to put ads in soon.

Game Link:



Maybe add a flashing lights warning? it almost blinded me :rofl:

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Some errors you might want to fix:
-You can go on the same bed as another player
-The monster, and Tim tends to get stuck between the stairs since you put a invisible wall between them
-Some minor errors in building outside where you have a part overlap another part. The result is you see a crazy pattern of the part you didn’t want to see being half transparent and half not.

-You might want to make your food items be able to heal even if it just a little lol cause it defeats the purpose for getting pancakes etc.
-Lower the damage of the monsters. I get you are trying to kill the players, but their dps is kinda insane. I touched the monster, and it did like almost half my hp.

Congrats on:
-The building of the area(I think it looks great!)
-Nice music you have there for a lot of scenes. I noticed its a combination of music from a bunch of story games
-If this is your first story it is is indeed a great effort!


Very good! You may add a Flash Warning, but good.
Also, it haves some English-Spanish translation errors. Im spanish. I also translate games.
Also, may I ask you how did you do in the lobby at down of the screen that text? Its a cool effect.

I used @Defaultio’s richText module:

Im going to test it now! Thank you!

I got the bad ending :frowning: games great

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I do like the design alot. It’s much better than the design from the first time I played.

Try to make a secret ending of some sort but again good story game.