Feedback on my new Tycoon Game

Hello I would love some feedback on my new Tycoon game set in space! Thanks! Here is the link: Space Tycoon [MASSIVE UPDATE] - Roblox


Hello. Your tycoon looks very impressive. However, the asteroids look a bit unorganized, seeing them in nearly one area from a far away view. I’d recommend you spreading them out a bit and organize them into an asteroid belt.

On the other hand, I like how you lined up the conveyors.

Overall, absolute job well done on the space station! :+1:t5:

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Thanks so much for your feedback. :smiley:

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It’s very generic and low quality. At least it works? You might get a few players, since it’s functional.

It took some time to build and make it so that it saves progress. What exactly is bad about it?

Can I even play it? No link :confused:

Well then it’s shameful, looks like a only functional game, not even decent.

I’m sorry that you don’t like it if you do want to play it here is the link: Space Tycoon [MASSIVE UPDATE] - Roblox

looks like a really cool start - sadly i cant play now way too late…
What i’d have to say is the lighting is wrong… I dunno how lighting should look in space but it def doesnt look like that… I guess try experimenting with the lighting settings a bit… distance blur and some adjustments to the bloom might be good too…
Instead of using a skybox you might want to make an inverted sphere with the skybox image on the inside… then you can add lights for the most significant stars and also have it rotate making the views way more exciting and dynamic…
if you dunno what im talking about i got a demo place somewhere i can link if you are interested.
anyways cool start good luck with it - i hope you do well - ignor the haters and keep improving everything :smiley:

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Thank you so much for your encouragement! This is my first good game. I will experiment with the lighting. :smiley:

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