Feedback on my new "vibe" game

Should be fixed now, so no more people drop outside of the map.

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I was walking outside the map rubbing against the wall then I randomly got teleported to your other game “The Dream”. I opened the locked door and omg that scared me so bad. What happened why did you do that to me.


Oh lol you shouldn’t have been teleported usually you have to enter a code to get there and also if you completed other parts of the game it may make a bit more sense

lookin good. maybe try getting a new game icon or some gamepasses

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Okay first off, NEVER insert free models. You never know if there is a virus in it.

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You’re not using it for anything bad, right?

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No it’s nothing bad just part of the Story type thing

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amazing! i like vibe games with secrets! keep it up, models are not bad! music is good, should add more stuff to it though, also perhaps the chairs and tables are too big.

1 Like but you get the actual place to get the app is and will lead you to a random website

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There is a LOT of zfighting everywhere. the door is really under detailed and doesn’t have a proper doorframe. I would put i nice garden outside the building and add a lot more plants/flowers around the map. Instead of the truss use a ladder because a trusspart doesn’t really fit with what the rest of the map is going for. The furniture needs a lot more variation and things decorating the tables. Make the chairs have cushions and have the cushions come in different colors. Also add more books lying around the map. Add more detail to the map in general like normal shelfs with books on them.

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Thanks for the feedback, it really helps! I am currently in the process of changing the chairs and tables, adding books (Which may be readable soon) and adding plants as well.

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