So I made a nuke model
But it’s not scripted here is some pictures
And a video
Any feedback is appreciated

And if your wondering i will script it!

So I made a nuke model
But it’s not scripted here is some pictures
And a video
One thing you should do is when they press the key to launch it an alarm goes off.
Yes my good sir i will do that and i will make the screen shake
Looks great!
Nice design
This is amazing, nice job!! I love the GUI effect for it! Keep up the work!
Thanks for your feedback my man
I feel like this should be in #help-and-feedback:cool-creations because you aren’t asking for support on building it. But I do like the way it looks. Nice.
Ah yes i love your feedback and i hope you do well in the future
As @GoteeSign mentioned, this definitely should go into #help-and-feedback:cool-creations instead of in building support.
The #help-and-feedback:building-support category is for asking for additional resources to figure out a solution to a build problem. The #help-and-feedback:cool-creations is used to ask for feedback on games, models, etc. Every post, ask yourself : “Is this a support question or showcasing a build?”, of course you can switch the words around a bit depending on the creation.
I would be happy to give feedback on this topic when it is changed accordingly.
I like this, maybe make it a bit longer with more buttons?
Edit: When you are scripting it, you should make it require a key to active the nuke.
Question: You plan to add this to a game or this just for fun?
If you don’t mind me asking how did you make the press E to launch nuke, did you use Collection Service?
Oh yes it will require a key and its for fun and people can use it!
Here is how i did it no scripting required! to make the gui
you click file
then press beta features
then find ProximityPrompt then click on the check the box
then it will ask you to restart roblox studio
then find ProximityPrompt and your done you just have to script it
Can you make this more… clear for me please?
They mean there is no scripting to enable roblox studio to beta, but you use a script to put the proximity prompt on a part.
@DevTigerr yes you have to script the proxmityprompt
The model and the looks of the GUI is great! Now you just need to script it to make an actual nuke explosion!
Ah yes, thanks for the feedback!
I thought you were talking about an actual nuke, but this looks good.