I just completed the first chapter! Very nice obby! The only other issues I have with the game besides respawn times is with the first half of the final level in chapter 1. The darkness is cool, but it’s practically impossible to see where some of the plants are. IMO you should make them slightly more visible, because each retry I’d have to guess how large some of these plant things are.
I also recommend that you create extra checkpoints in between your existing stages and lock them behind a gamepass. That’s the best way you can incorporate a gamepass that makes the game easier, as coils or powerups won’t exactly work with some of your level design.
Took me a while, but I think I did pretty good for using a laptop with a touchpad mouse 
Also, make sure to use the Game Updates when you add the next chapter! I want to play it when you release it!
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Yo gg it’s impressive you did it with a touchpad I could never . Nah no way I’m nerfing alien tunnel sorry xD . It’s supposed to be hard . I already nerfed it once , it was even harder before but some did manage to beat it ! I will surely release Techno eventually !! As long as I get at least 5 players daily (my current player rate) I won’t give up . People seem to like it so I have no reason why not to work on it ! Really glad you enjoyed it !
Really appreciate it !
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Dude thank you very much for donating . That’s really appreciated !
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This looks hella epic, the space vibe and stuff is really awesome to see on this. I love the creativity with the obstacles and stuff.
Hello, Andrei here.
I played your game this morning. I have something to say about the game.
I loved the concept, and the gameplay.
I have a problem though. I tested the game on mobile, and the UI was kind of blocking the jump button.
Whenever i tried to jump, it opens the donate menu.
Anyway, good game!
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Omg thank you so much for letting me know that ! I’ll fix that right now , that’s crucial man . And thank you for the feedback btw !
I tested it on phone too but the donate GUI issue does not happen to me , the jump button comes right over , only if I press next to the jump button it opens up
Thanks for fixing the UI!
Now me and my friends can play your obby game without any trouble!
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Appreciate it
Thank you for letting me know about the issue !
Been a while since I posted this topic LMAO. But extremely late thank you for the feedback…I’ve updated the game lots since then (clearly not trying to get traction on this post)
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