Hello everyone! In summer I made a obby called “The Tricky Obby”. I recently added and scripted a badge for it called “You Played!” to it which you earn when its your first time joining the game. I am almost complete the obby but I would like to know if you have any feedback that I can improve on for the obby. Let me know your feedback, criticism and what you would rate it 1/10. Thanks! Here’s the game: The Tricky Obby - Roblox
Just a few things I noticed while playing, and if I sound too harsh just ignore it, as I had no better way to phrase it:
Part of it is the starter obby which is free when making a new game. The rest seems free-modeled. I don’t understand where the “tricky” part comes into play either. I was expecting secret invisible paths, false collide blocks or really anything that could be considered a “trick.” It was extremely easy to complete and had no overall theme to it either. I know that you pointed out it was easy in the description, but I never knew it was going to be part of the starter obby. I recommend completely renovate the obby. It seems broken and unenjoyable. Although you may be new to building, I recommend just redoing it. Try not to use free models, and make it much longer. I had minimal engagement while doing it. Hopefully, you can take this feedback and the right way, and just know I don’t mean to discourage you, I just feel like you could do better. Big hopes for your future in building as well. If you want a little more assistance you can add me on Roblox and I can try and help as best as I can.
I’m sorry if I’m about to sound harsh but I’ll give this a 0/10.
I was honestly expecting more due to the 1k place visit count. but upon joining in. I see a smaller scale obby template and the rest were free models. It’s named tricky obby. I don’t see on which part it was tricky. I even beat the game with an injured finger in 1 min. I see it as a low effort obby on my part (I sound so rude oml) as the name goes I was expecting it as if a very hard difficulty chart obby that requires certain skills such as ladder flicking etc. also use of R15 in obby games is something I highly discourage. now enough with the rude part. You need to avoid using freemodels, I understand you may be new to studio but I highly recommend you avoid using free models and make an obby completely original. you may watch tutorials on youtube for these as these are very basic. You could do better I’m sure you will, I do not mean to be rude or hurt you in anyway, as much as I would like to help you I couldn’t as I have other stuff to do. I hope you improve in making games
(I just realized the post duplicated…)
I’m sorry that I have have to rate it 0/10.
I highly command to make the obby more difficult or unique. Or players would just pass the stage within 10 seconds.
What I see in the actual game, is a roblox obby template.
And I finished the obby like almost 5 minutes.
I also recommand you to practice obby skills to test how hard your obby is.(Try Flood Escape 2 to practice your obby skills) If you think your game is already hard, then it tells you that you have a bad obby skills. And I found out that the first two stages are so easy that you don’t even to need to jump. Try something more then a typical obby.
I noticed that the obby had a lot of free models in it. It’s also quite easy and really short. You could also maybe change the skybox. One of the stages seems like it was scaled wrong because I just ran across it.
0/10, sorry.
Most of the map is the obby template. It was actually so easy, and there’s just a donation chest in the end? You should put more effort into it, not just copy some obby template and only change a few stuff. Sorry if I sound harsh, but you should’ve put more effort.
Hey everyone! Thank you all so much for taking the time to give feedback and criticism as I take all of your posts very helpful and informing to build up my obby and make it great! Sorry that it used alot of free models and wasn’t very neat because at the time I was new to studio and still learning how to script and build but now that I’ve improved alot in studio I’m ready to fix up my game relating to all your feedback! Thanks!
Thanks for the feedback and criticism iiHyxtra! Your support really helps out and I’ll reach out to you if I need any help with it!
Hey, I would give It a 4/10.
- You added what was needed
- You tried your best
- It is short
- It looks rushed
- Not aesthetically pleasing
Things I would add
- More levels
- A loading UI
- Gamepasses
- Dev Products
No problem! Sorry if I sounded too harsh with it, but I had to make my point clear enough.
I fully understand pal. I take any criticism very understandable as I like to know what others really think of my game and what I need to improve on!
First I want to say that this is a great obby game! There are no gamepasses in your face and it is pretty easy. However, I did notice some issues with the obby:
When I first spawned in the obby, a forcefield (that blue orb around the player) spawned around me for 10 seconds. The forcefield can be removed by going to SpawnLocation > Properties > Forcefield > Duration and then setting it to 0. You can keep the forcefield if you want but please make it less than 10 seconds so I don’t have the forcefield effect around me.
A second problem I noticed is that some of the checkpoints spawned the player the opposite direction.
This can easily be fixed by rotating the SpawnLocation the other way.
I found an issue with this stage as it can easily be skipped by jumping on the platforms where the red bar is on.
And finally, please add some music. It was awkwardly quiet when I was playing your obby.
My score right now is an 8/10, but if you fix these issues, it will be a 10/10! I hope your obby does very well and gets a lot of players!
Thank you very much for your reply bud. Your feedback really helps out and I’m glad you enjoyed the game. I will take your feedback to improve the game by adding things you suggested. I will message you once its done to see what you think. Thanks!
I’m sorry but 1/10. It’s just the roblox obby template with some things removed and free models just took their place.
Really sorry if I sounded rude.
You didn’t sound rude at all as I thank you very much for your honest criticism and feedback to help me improve my game.
I suggest you play TOH (Tower of Hell) and take note of some of their ideas and designs for your game. Your obby gives me clickbait obby vibes. eg. Escape School Obby. Dont use free models and watch some scripting videos. Theres defiently potential so I hope I dont discourage you. Also follow a theme/colour scheme to make the obby more pleasing to the eye and look more professional. Goodluck on your future builds.
Sorry buddy but I will have to rate this a 0/10. I dont want to sound rude, except the whole thing was just the obby template and a bunch of free models. Keep in mind free models can contain viruses. If you dont know how to make your own material I suggest playing difficulty chart obbys. If you dont know how, just insert a part and scale it to whatever you want. Be creative!
I won’t exactly “rate” it but I’ll try to provide some constructive criticism. Like others have pointed out, it seems like most things are free modeled or quite overused. However, I think you can make some changes following the advice below:
Some height changes
So try to make it where the entire obby isn’t flat up until the very end, add some height changes throughout the obby. You could also possibly incorporate this with some new obstacle types. -
As others have said, the obby is quite short. Instead of purely just making the lobby longer, try to add more complex obstacles as lobby goes on to make things interesting. -
Most obby games only have the basic obby parts and nothing really surrounding it. Try to add some props around and make the game generally more fun to play and pleasing to the eye.
Thank you all very much for the new feedback you have left. So far from previous posts I have corrected the spawn point direction to facing the obstacle and now working on making a faster spawn time and getting rid of the blue orb the appears around you when you spawn and also music. Next I’m focusing to start remaking the obstacles. Thanks everyone!