Hello there! Recently, me and one of my friends have been working on an obby game. It is not yet released, but we have made ten levels. Since it is our first time making an obby, I was wondering if some people could test out our game and give feedback. Also, it would be helpful if you guys could time how long it takes to complete.
The game (so far) is just a basic obby. There is not much else to say.
Some things I would suggest are easier jumps, as a little kid playing this game would probably have a hard time getting past even the first 2 stages. Each jump should be like 4-6 studs apart in my opinion
Also, add a part that kills you only a second or two after you fall. Then, make the respawn time instant. I noticed that falling, dying, and waiting to respawn takes a while, and when combined with the “difficult” jumps, a little kid will probably leave the game after dying a few times.
Add a funner skybox, the one currently in use is boring. Especially the lower half, it’s just gray
Half of the obby is just the “guess the right path” which is really repetitive
The small triangle jumps is pretty impossible for a child on mobile, increase the size of the triangles
Last thing I would add is some kind of decoration. The obby itself is extremely basic and boring because of the lack of interesting effects and rainbows and what not
(It took around 3 mins to complete)
Good luck on this game, I hope you and your friends enjoy making it
Thanks for the response! I think the main idea for the game was to make it hard, but I do understand that the target audience is probably a 5 year old iPad kid (No offense to 5 year old iPad kids). I just used the default skybox, but I will change it once the game fully releases. I might add signs on the side of each level to make it look better, and they will say what to do on the level.
You could maybe add new levels unique to what you haven’t done before.
For example, instead of standard jumps you could do something like spinning kill beam.