Hello, I posted this a few days ago and no one replied so I’m trying again.
I would like feedback on a game I made a long time ago because I would like to update it. I haven’t really gotten better at using Studio because I haven’t been using it much since then until the past few weeks, so I wouldn’t recommend suggesting something advanced.
The Tool in The Game is Not Mine, I Got it Off of The Toolbox in Studio, it was Created by @GigsD4X
NOTEI Am Not a Scripter so I Cannot Write a Script That Makes it so Players Cannot Grief or Bully With the Tool.
Probably the major thing that I really see with this, is that there are a couple of other F3X games that’ll ask me this question: “What’s so different & unique about this game?” Apart from that all it is, is just a simple build game with a F3X tool