Feedback on my Old Roblox simulator?


I would like some feedback on my Old Roblox Simulator.
I picked the name RewindBlox, and it’s set in the years 2008 to 2009.

(please note, its still in very early development, so some things will be missing.)

I also want you to provide criticism on how accurate it is if you are able to.

Thank you!

I really like it, but when i join Happy Home in Robloxia, my avatar is woefully underdressed and unwillingly headless. maybe something to work on :sweat_smile:

However it’s a really good game, better than I could make

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I imagine the missing head is just the head mesh I do have is not loading (as the head mesh back then was different from now)

The lack of character expression is more of a placeholder until I can add the catalog.

Again, Thank you for the feedback!

Comparison between my simulation and an actual 2009 client:


(Yes, I know mine is missing the BTools and Super Safe Chat.)

If you don’t mind me asking what game are you gonna remake first? (In RewindBlox of course)

I’m planning on a large amount of games, but one of the first ones is probably going to be Dodge the Falling Teapots of Doom, since I have a place file (In my launcher) and I think I could probably fix it.