Feedback on my own map for Simulator

Hello everyoneToday I made a map for my simulator.I need your opinion to find errors or any bugs.

You can play it here: [CODE] Evolution Simulator 🦖 - Roblox


very cool. In game, I can actually jump up and climb over all of the edge (surrounding) walls. Not sure if this was your intent.

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Later I will put invisible walls and limit the viewing radius.Thanks for your attention:D

Many areas look very empty, and some assets look a little too strange, i.e. the large bones, cacti, signs, and ice bushes. Plus, since what I assume is a low-poly style you’re going for, edit the bones and horns to fit. It does seem strange in general to have plantation in an ice area, but I guess it can fit within the style of the game.

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Thank you for the feedback.I agree that the ice bushes look strange,it’s just that I have a bad enough fantasy, and I didn’t know what else to add.