Feedback on my particle

hey, I kinda started making particles and I wanted some feedback on something I made. I don’t really know what it went for but here is the result

If you have a bit of advice that could help me out or just something to say about it, please let me know.

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Should probably post a image most people wont click that. For particles though just a basic tip is dont try to fill in the entire space. You can alter particles in studio so just keep it nice and simple c:

Yeah i am trying to fix it thanks

Ok now that I see the gif the blue ring ends too short you can see it cut off. Play around with the properties more it’ll look un-natural in game, the black like spike parts that shoot off around the orb are way too fast in comparison to everything else slow those down.
Theres also nothing fading it all just appears and then leaves instantly, the effect feels ‘rushed’ in a sense. Also it feels like there’s too much happening to even tell what type of effect this could be for. It also feels like you have too many different colors I see like 7 variations of blue in here thrown together that arent blended at all. It just happens all at once.

I mean the particles themselves(the images) look pretty nice, its just not nice thrown all together like that. Needs to be worked on more. I mean I’m not like perfect at particles myself, but heres a particle I made for one of my skills.
You can see it fades out really nice and spawns in properly and works really nice with the flight skill itself. You wanna try to achieve an effect similar to that with your particles.