Hey Devforum
I’ve been working on a fighting game and want to include a Dungeon aspect to it to give something new for players to do. You can create a party, set the difficulty and other bits and bobs to fight the bosses. What I’m looking for is feedback on the User Interface - I’m primarily a programmer so my UI design is pretty subpar, so I need good critiques on how to make the UI look nicer… It’s not really up to my standard right now.
Photos are below, any feedback is appreciated!! I really need it
This is the menu to decide whether to engage in a PvE or PvP experience. I’m thinking about adding icons or pictures behind the titles, but I’m not sure what would be best.
This is the menu to choose what party you might want to join.
This is the menu to change and configure the settings of a new party.
This is the menu where players in your current party are shown. Because the max is 4 players, there’s a considerable gap between the first two players present.
And this is the menu once you are in a private PvE lobby. It displays what possible dungeons to start with and an option to ready up and customise your character.
Once again, any feedback is appreciated. Thanks for reading!
A quick poll if you want to give fast feedback:
- Great!
- Not bad!
- Mediocre
- Not very good at all
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