Feedback on my physics/puzzler game

Ive rewritten/rescripted one of my old games, adding more quality of life features to allow it to be more speedrunnable/replayable i.e. saving replays. However, I’m having issues with engagement for new players.

What could be done to further drive engagement to my game? I am aware it is very difficult and has a learning curve, and might not be the best experience if playing on your own, however I’m unsure what I can do about that.

I’d appreciate your input

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What a unique game!

A big issue that I saw was that, even though the game is supposed to be hard, I couldn’t even get past the first part in level one! That level should be nerfed. You want it to be challenging, but remember that it is the first level, so don’t be too brutal!

Didn’t see most of the game(couldn’t get first the first part, remember?), but fixing that alone could prove a big help!

Good luck! :+1:


Did you play by yourself? I feel like most people are hoping on to Solo preemptively, when you’re not supposed to play alone at first :see_no_evil:

I’m going to see what I can do about that, like potentially locking Solo mode until you’ve beaten the level in a public server atleast once. The game is considerably easier with more people

This game is insanely difficult at solo. Maybe add a tutorial because this game is very difficult and people won’t have fun with a game as hard as this lol.

Also, the prompts take way too much time, like respawning the ball shouldn’t take me 5 seconds to hold down.

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Yup, I played by myself. I had no choice, there was no one else in the server. Locking Solo would be a good idea, but it stops the player from being able to play the game if they’re alone :sweat_smile:.

Maybe add a combination of both, like only letting the player play Solo at first if they’re alone, and nerfing Solo a bit. But it’s your game, maybe you could suffice by adding a tutorial.

Level 2 = Level 1:

stop ball early before prompt enable
spawn should be placed closer
press r to INSTANT reset
disable emotes in favor of camera movement controls
tell players who dmm3000 is
void should have less height
the ledge here should be removed so players dont get confused:

make game reset when character also reset
remove camera occlusion
make solo mode available at 1st level without badge, public should be encouraged though

I’m #3 on the public leaderboard at the moment.

I like the idea, but it might be a little too hard for some people. It took me about an hour to complete level 1. Maybe a tutorial level that is easier (called level 0).

How do you think I could encourage public? I really do not want new players to go into solo as their first ever experience, and increase the odds they play with others, but new players keep just going into solo immediately, when its just meant to be a challenge mode.

Thats actually a nice idea, thank you for that

These two are also some nice quality of life changes I had not thought of, I appreciate this


If you mean that because of the easter egg, then no cause thats an easter egg :grin:

I meant give him a dialog on top of his head.

In that case, it should be exactly how it is now. Just beware that some people might maliciously do trolling.