Feedback on my player lookup prototype

Hi! Id like to show what I’ve made but also get feedback on it. Its a simple player lookup tool that allows you to view inventory items, outfits, games, and other information about a player. Let me know what you think!

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Why not just use ?

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Looks great! The Roblox page can be a painful way to find more information on a person so I could definitely see myself using this. :+1:
I think you could add a part that is like “Top looked at players” where players can easily see profiles like Roblox, Preston and more. I think this would be useful to be in the backdrop of some Roblox documentaries about those specific people.

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you cant view outfits or games that aren’t listed on their profile from there haha. you can click to join their games and click to purchase any asset they own as long as its still on sale, right in game. for example:

you have more games than you do listed on your profile

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Thanks for the feedback! Great ideas

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These extra features are really cool! Can’t wait for the game to be released! :star_struck:

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Ohh right so you have access to any player’s inventory even if it’s private