Feedback on My Portfolio

I made a portfolio for composing. I want to know your guys’ opinions on it.
How do you like my portfolio’s aesthetics?
How do you like my portfolio’s work?

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I made the text and stuff by myself.

I noticed the whole police reporting thing. That won’t exactly work well, as this is 100% online and some people don’t even know who we are. Try saying “you will be reported to Roblox” instead.

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Yes but then people won’t take it seriously. Since both of these have happened to me before, I think it is better to tell them the legal consequences.

That portfolio is really nice, you have a good color scheme which makes it easier on the eyes, and it’s very organized. I don’t see anything that needs to be changed, except maybe that legal consequences stuff, however either way it works.

If you’re having trouble finding work on Roblox too, I recommend advertising your work on other services, as some of your music can be used for mobile app games.

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Sounds good. The last one would work well as music to a minigame lobby.

Lol that’s actually what the guy commissioned me for.

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I forgot to add in my portfolio, these are not free to use.

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Well you definitely did a good job then :smiley: