Feedback on my "premium benefits" menu

So i made this little frame thing where it gives you the option to subscribe to premium and with all the benefits listed etc…
and i need some feedback
you can post a reply with tips for me to improve my ui
thanks in advance!!


It looks really nice!

I don’t think I have anything else to say except perhaps making the ‘Access to Premium chat tag’ a different color such as a light green or pink. I think it looks a little off having 2 benefits in yellow then 1 in blue.

Overall, it looks great. The design is sleek and matches the Premium icon, 10/10.

Thank you for the feedback, really appreciated! :happy1:

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It’s decent, I’d recommend making the text a bit smaller so it’s not so close to the edge. Maybe use bullet points or some kind of emoji to show it more clearly, and some colour for the background instead of just the grey gradient would make it more appealing.

Yeah it looks pretty good! I agree with @Lightlimn, I think the text should be a bit smaller so that it doesn’t touch the edges.

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My main theme is a greyish color thats why i went with that background color, thank you for the feedback though ill make the text smaller because now that i look at it, its really big, again, thanks!

I like it, but I feel it should have something else. I doubt that just a different chat color and tag + a daily reward are going to make them buy premium. But other than that, it looks nice :slight_smile:

I like it, but I feel it should have something else. I doubt that just a different chat color and tag + a daily reward are going to make them buy premium. But other than that, it looks nice :slight_smile:

I think it looks great! Like others have said, the text could be smaller, or have more benefits. But I think it looks great!

It looks good, but some things could be changed.


Firstly, the x button has ridged sides. I suggest making the sides smooth which would look more aesthetically pleasing in my opinion.

Next, the text is pretty big so I’d recommend resizing them. I think it’ll look better if there was a little space away from the borders. Also, the text sizes do not need to be the same size either.

Besides those few things, I’d have to say that you’ve done a remarkable job. :slight_smile:

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Maybe you can change the font? I don’t know, but to me it seems a little basic, and you could try to go for a color theme for all the words. :+1:

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Looks really good, but I would change the colors and fonts to make it a little bit unique.

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The “x” (close button) Looks kind of wonky. I would make it more bigger and outline it the same colour as the border. I would also make the text Gotham Bold. It looks more smooth plastic if that’s what your going for.

May want to remove that because…annoying forum rules…
Pretty good looking though.

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Oh, never knew there was a rule against having that

Fair point ill add more benefits to make it somewhat worth it

Thank you for telling me about that font ive always used another font for bold text never knew that this one would look much better