Feedback on my prison?

Hi there! I am currently week 4 into developing games. Right now, I am working on a prison game. What do you guys think of the prison model?

  • Great!
  • Good!
  • Ok.
  • Bad…
  • Terrible!

0 voters

Thank you anyone who voted!


(also if you do vote, feel free to provide any feedback in the replies so that I know what to fix)

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I think it’s pretty good for a start. You’ve only been using Roblox Studio for approximately 4 weeks and already know how to use terrain, build simple structures, and add some smaller details like the cat portrait!
Most people just use free models for a few months or maybe quit after a certain amount of time of frustration… so that’s some pretty impressive progress for someone who has only been using Studio for 4 weeks! Keep up the great work and stay strong. :muscle:


Honestly, the prison model is okay.

• You could improve it by adding details to the walls from the outside and the interior. What I mean by this is, if you see the current model, the walls look really plain. You can add some depth to the walls so it gives a more of a fine look.
• Add some windows and give some depth and thickness.
• Add custom textures for walls and objects.

[Image credit : Google]

If you notice this image of a house above, it has some depth to it, giving it a fine look. I hope you’ll understand what I’m trying to say. It will obviously take time to learn and implement a few things in your build, but will definitely be worth it when you get the hang of it.

Here’s a decent informative video to help you on your building journey.

Stay Classy n’ cool!

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Are those treadmills… floating?

lol from that perspective, kinda!
(just kidding :wink:) it’s just because I don’t have shadows on, so there’s no depth.

I suggest you to add more details in the prison cell, like a mirror, etc…

This prison looks good but fairly basic. That cat picture kind of makes it worse in my opinion though, less prison-like. Otherwise, nice job on it!