I’m scripting a roblox fighting game and it’s going really well, however my punching animations seem, off…? I want some feedback on how I could make it a little more less choppy, and just make it look more cleaner in general. here’s a video on how it looks:
Hi, I’m unsure if it is a problem on my end, but the video is unplayable
i really like the animation, just make the system a bit faster not too fast though
The time between each punch is 0.41 seconds, and I think that’s enough. I tried reducing it down to 0.35 seconds and it looked like some of the animations were combining.
Yeah, it’s most likely a problem on your end. it works completely fine for me
yeah if you so far make it stay like that it’s also ok, dosent really look bad its actually good
I would probably add more movement on the legs because when the player punches it kinda looks like they’re going to fall over after punching.
I agree with @Pro3taco . Compared to the arms, the legs seem to just turn out of the way.
I feel like the solution to a “smoother” animation for punching might be less motion over more time. Having too much time though would make the animation feel too powerful or “off”. Too little time and the punch would likely feel too fast, not smooth enough, or “off”. Also, I think having an impact frame would be cool, but that’s probably more a thing for less of a normal attack.
Here’s a video on impact frames: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UaUi5fBmJc
I would add leg movement, if it weren’t for the fact that when you move, the legs don’t seem to be walking. the reason I don’t animate the legs is so that the normal roblox walking animation does it for me. take a look at battlegrounds games. most popular ones do the same thing.
I’m not going to check if the player is moving or not, because first of all that would be annoying to do and might cause bugs to happen and second of all, I like keeping my games and animations simple.
Here’s how another animation would look like with the legs not being animated:
I also want to address that this animation might need some work, but it doesn’t look as bad as the normal punch ones. I dunno if that’s just my animations being bad
I think the issue lies at the end of the punch, they hands just seem to stop as if they loose all momentum. It’s really a minor issue and these animations look fine right now, but I think tweaking this slightly would do a lot of good for them. I also really like the character concept above, super creative.
Alright then, I’ll try reworking the animations to see if they look any better. And also, thanks for the compliment!
No problem good luck! Also, are you planning to turn this into a game? I’d love to play it.
These animations look good! Nice job on them!
are you the one moving or is it just the animation, if its the animation you shouldn’t be making him walk that much distance
It’s for sure going to be a game, however it won’t get released any time soon.
not sure what you mean by that. do you mean that I should become a little slower when attacking?
yk that first second on the video you last posted about your animation
Probably a connection issue on your end. Refresh the page once or twice and it should load.
I don’t see anything wrong there?