July 19, 2020, 6:08pm
Just yesterday, I was looking for stuff to do. So, I decided to make a radio system, a bit scp-ish.
The design blends with Roblox UI so we’ll, that the buttons, you can’t even tell if it’s from Roblox or not…
Here’s a quick showcase of the product:
and then, if you are interested, check out the game:
I would like to see feedback and suggestions regarding this. Since, I was really braindead when doing this.
July 19, 2020, 6:13pm
That looks pretty slick and it definitely fits in with the Roblox UI very nicely. I’m just wondering are the different letters (CS, F, T) for different radio signals?
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Wow. I like how it blends in with the CoreGui, almost makes it feel like its naturally apart of Roblox. Good job on this.
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July 19, 2020, 6:18pm
It represent the channel name.
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Good job! Just like everyone else said, it’s pretty slick and fits in very nicely. But, can you make a simple tutorial on this if you have the time?
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July 19, 2020, 6:54pm
That Seriously looks like it’s apart of the official Roblox UI, Great Job
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