Feedback on my Randomly Generated Obby

Hello guys! I’m about to release my new game i’ve been working on for the past 4 months, and would love to hear your feedback and / or criticisms on it!

I have invested extensively into dedicated mobile support for this game!, including a wall-hop / truss flick button for mobile! Tell me what you think about it!


this game is epic, you should play

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This is a quality, well made game, and it has the potential to be popular, however there isnt much to set it apart from the competition. As far as I can tell it’s just a normal obby game. There has been a trend of obbys with a twist which seem to really drive engagement such as obby but you are a ball, obby but you cant jump, etc. Maybe implement a twist like this to give it some flair.


thank you for your feedback! i appreciate the nice comments

i’ve decided to sponsor the game!, though keep in mind that its still in alpha stage :smiling_face: