Feedback on my Ready Player Two GFX

Hello! (again)

I would like feedback on yet another GFX. What do you think of it?

It’s a GFX of the RP2 “Crown of Madness” getup, which altogether I call the “King of Madness”.

It could definitely use more detail, but overall, what do you think?


Looks good, I think it could look better if you put it in blender and mess around with some more lighting options. Other than that it looks really good!

Thank you very much! I forgot to mention that I don’t have Blender yet, so I’m working with what I have. Thank you anyways! Comments are always greatly appreciated!


Looks good, the only thing I would say is to add some lighting and get rid of those green pixels around the player. other than that it looks good! Can’t wait to see more!!

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I’d reccomend making the lighting a bit better, Some parts seem off, And there are some green outlines near the character, other then that, Its nice. :laughing:

Haha, yeah, I couldn’t delete the green screen very well. Thank you so much! I’ll definitely be posting more!

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Okay! I’ll work on fixing that soon, or on another GFX. :+1:

Awesome, thank you very much!

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