Feedback on my "Realistic" Build

I usually do scripting, but I tried to branch out and make a build this time. I know a bit about lighting, but I was wondering what I could do to improve it. Here are some pictures:


Oh my god. This is so good! 10/10


This looks great; however, the terrain looks a bit… off.

The elevated areas of the terrain are a bit bumpy, it’s almost like a miniature hill.


The edge of the pond looks a bit off. Also minor nitpick, WHY ALL THE LIGHT MY EYES A?
8/10 pretty good.


Yep I think you’re right about the lighting, it needs to be toned down a little

Wow I am baffled. Its top notch. if it were possible it would be a 1,000,000/10 lol.


I love this, but one thing I did notice is the logs are quite pixilated? Or I’m not just sure if that’s my browser compressing the quality, if it’s not try using a more HQ texture. You could also add more significant hills around the water too which would look good than the small bumps.

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Wow! That is sooo amazing! (It is like you put greenscreen in wild and took photo and put your character in there.

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Do you have some more HQ textures you can give me? I would love them, and yeah I noticed the logs are not very clear

Yeah, Textures - Poliigon is a really good website for high quality textures and there are quite a few for free as well.

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Nice you should an bench and more rivers and expand the map itself plus it’s too bright for me honestly

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It’s really missing the tiny details, If you want it to feel a LOT more realistic, I would recommend adding more trees, smaller rocks, more rocks and probably some terrain on the edges so its not an endless void!

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How many Tris/parts/meshes/unions did you use?

It looks really cool I love the lighting

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