Looks amazing! I would recommending making the letters a little brighter in the second image so you can read it clearly. Right now, the foliage make it hard to read. Also, it says “ace” 3 different times in the second image, which seems kinda redundant, maybe get rid of at least one.
I feel like your characters seems “out of place”.
Everything seems rather realistic, has some imperfections, and then there’s your perfectly clean, smooth skinned character, plastic looking character. It is also quite bright, it does not seem to match the backgrounds lighting.
I suggest adding some roughness to the character’s skin, and perhaps maybe increase the amount of wrinkles on the cloth, or making them a bit more noticeable.
I like how the grass and mushrooms look, though you probably should make it have some noticeable hills, and maybe add some rocks, both of big and small size?
Bit of a nitpick, but the grass doesn’t blend in with the background too well in my opinion, like it looks like there’s a void in between the grass and the background which kind of breaks the “immersion”.
Other than that, I feel like your graphics design is decent. I really like the roughness on the text, how the clothing looks and the foliage on the text.
Thank you for your critique!
I really wanted to have better cloth and more grass but due to the limitations of my potato pc I couldn’t do much. About the skin I can actually make it look a bit more rougher and have some dirt marks and scratches.
Hey! I think this is amazing work that you have created. The only thing that catches my eye is the dark shadows w/ color. Shadows are needed but I recommend to reduce shadow. Overall it’s a great piece of work.