Feedback on my recent UI

Hey everyone!
I’ve been making UI for a month or so now but I’ve only tried really cartoony looks. But this time, I tried cartoony+modern style. Let me know what you guys think of it and give suggestions, if possible.

Here’s the UI:

Anyway, have a great day! :smiley:


I think it looks very nice. I also like the round eases on the buttons.


Overall this UI looks great, however, I have some points to make.

  • First I would add a profile picture section on the teams panel, so that the user has a better idea of who they want to team with
  • The on and off buttons should be colored differently as they are different functions. Perhaps, you could color the On button Green and the Off button Red?

Good luck :+1:

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Overall this is a pretty good UI! Definitely fits the feel of what you’re describing. I agree with GalaxMystic that the Yes and No / On and Off buttons should maybe be green and red and the ATM screen looks a bit busy with every asset there being a colorful round button. Although that may be what you’re going for since it’s an ATM. Definitely very good though! :+1:

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Looks amazing! I love how everything is rounded off and the colors :+1:

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The teaming is not user-based tho, it’s rank based.

It’s rank based tho. Anyway, I do have an update where I took your suggestion. Here it is!

Thank you for the suggestion!


Looks great!

One thing for sure i would change is the text. It looks very plain and default. Maybe for text such as ‘User’ or ‘Cars’ you could get a custom label to make it stand out more.

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That does look better. Well done! :+1:

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The UI looks awesome!
(30 chars)

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It looks fantastic! I don’t see that it needs much in improvement. I would prefer to have the GUI a bit rounded on the corners.

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Great suggestion, I’d be sure to try this in my future UIs!

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