Hi, Recently I’ve tried to remake the old Roblox Headquarters from 2008, It would be helpful if you could give me any feedback for future builds.
Size Comparison
Thanks, Have a great day

Hi, Recently I’ve tried to remake the old Roblox Headquarters from 2008, It would be helpful if you could give me any feedback for future builds.
Size Comparison
I really like your remade that you made of the Roblox HQ but I feel that in one part it moves away from the colorful or striking style such as the dark blue of its glasses that makes it recognizable. Even so I like your effort and the model, continue like this
Good job, I’d love to see what ROBLOX HQ will look like in 2030.
I really like the futuristic style of the buildings, great gob.
I like it a lot, it looks very modern, it is a large improvement.
It’s pretty well made! However, I have some suggestions to make it look even better:
Great job on making this! How long did this take for you to make for my curiosity? Anyways, you just need to add a little bit of detail on the 1st floor, but I think you’re all on the others.
It looks great ! It kinda reminds me of the twin towers.
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