Feedback on my restaurant build

Hello, my name is Ethan. I am currently building a cafe, and I would like some feedback on it. This Burger King is not finish, and what you are seeing now is just the front of the Burger King. Please just give me a honest feedback. Thank you!

Please note that I am not naming this “Burger King” anymore as I just figured out that we can not build real restaurants.


It looks good, my one suggestion is to add texture to the walls of the building. :+1:

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It’s a good start although the menu is blurry and i would try to take away the white behind the signs


Thank you so much! One thing I want to ask is that how much commission would you think I could get off of this?

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Not much to give feedback on, it’s good for a start, but not sure why there are 2 burger king signs on the building

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I would be glad to give you a suggestion, but I am new to development and would not know. Sorry

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Hello, thanks for the feedback! I forgot to delete the 2nd sign on the right side. I also don’t get what you mean. If you’re asking why there is signs on the building, it is because I wanted to let people know what it is. I also am taking my inspiration Burger King of the internet.

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Ah okay, I was just curious on why there were 2 signs is all. Having 1 sign makes sense

np for the feedback!

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Oh yes, thank you for the feedback! I thought it wouldn’t be noticeable hehehe, but I will change it soon. Also the white things are there because those sign were meaning to hold the letters up. Here is my inspiration photo

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Im not completely sure but i think people are getting in trouble for using real restaurants now.


Ah, thank you. I will be sure to take Burger King out. Thank you!


Not much feedback to give. You’re having a good start! Maybe try to detail the windows more by adding a gray metal window frame to the blue glass pane because the glass pane lacks detail. Good start!

I think you should add texture to the walls to make it have more depth and look more realistic.

Looks good, but you should add more textures, maybe even some of your own if you can make them.

I think it looks really cool :grinning: but I would make the material of the upper walls concrete because they look really smooth. A little bit texture would look nice

You’re not allowed to ask for prices.

My bad. I thought we can because lost time someone asked maybe what commissions he cant get off of it.

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