Feedback on my roblox game Icon

Hello I work on my game and I made the icon
Can I have some feedback please

Have Nice day


Consider making it more vibrant and colorful and it’ll be cool… like kinda saturate it like this

also consider removing this thing in the background and adding more things in the background

i used this site for saturating: Photo Editor Color Saturation tool

Other than that, i think it’s cool


Maybe add some more effects to make it so the car looks like it’s going faster, and maybe change the saturation like what @alessdai did. Other than that I think it looks pretty good


I think like the other, make more effect like this :


The text should have a slight white shadow and the gfx should be more cinematic.


Look good, but It’s kinda of boring because theres not really anything going on in the background, and theres nothing in the distance. Some changes would make it look better.

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Maybe you could add some more lighting details, like shine’s on the cars hood or wind shield.

for the most part the things that @FireStrykerAzul and other’s like @Vothern mentioned were very good additions to the overall perspective and first impression you would get from the icon.

if you add some shine’s, cinematic text, and lighting contrast this icon would look sick :wink:

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