Feedback on my roblox signup page Concept Ui

Please give me feedback on this Ui I made!

This is my 3rd ui!!! :smiley:

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I like where this is going, except for the watermark, its way annoying for the eyes, but still, I prefer the current version, but hey, good job tho!

ok Thankyou for the feedback!!

It’s too cartonny. Having UI like this for the default sign-up page would just seal the deal for Roblox being completely low poly.

I personally prefer their current page but good concept!

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ok Thank you for your feedback!!!

Updated it and added less watermark

I don’t want to sound rude, but I feel like there could be a lot of changes that will make it look better.

  • The font has to be changed, I don’t think it fits roblox.
  • Centring the text, the birthday and gender.
  • The watermark, could just be white so it’s not got a 3D effect.
  • Even spread of the text box, as you can tell the birthday to username has a bigger gap than username to password.
  • The black divider in birthday and gender, it could be more subtle since it’s quite harsh right now.

That’s the issues I can see, I don’t want to sound rude but if you make these changes I know it would look a lot better, hopefully you take this into consideration. Good luck, if you do make the changes let me know I would like to see it. Have a good day! :+1:


What is the roblox UI about?

I still prefers the roblox current signup page version.

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Looks a bit too much like Fortnite’s font but a nice UV layout.

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I was just remaking it my own way

Oh, it kinda looks like those game you join nd you step/touch on a part then it prompt you to a roblox signup page for free bobux. (Those games are obviously a scam who would want to give personal information or details on their account.)


Lol ,no it would never be that

But overall the UI is good but I’m not really a fan of the watermarks in the background. :+1:

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It looks nice. Try losing the watermarks in the final version (it’s reasonable to have them for testing purposes)

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There’s one big problem. Your theme for the central UI is extremely cartoony, but then the log in button is modern. You should change the look of that button so that the UI seems more natural.

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What about the year?
Also use UICorners, it makes everything nicer :slight_smile:

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Oh did not add the year but I do not do it on studio i do it on photopea

Photopea should have a feature to adjust corners, if not, export a sketch file and import it into Lunacy (Figma requires desktop app/font helper)

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