Feedback on my "Roblox Video player"

Hello, As we all might know, Roblox is close to release its video feature. And videos cannot be viewed from the library, so I decided to make a Roblox “Video player” that will play any videos that want it to play.

This is the menu, you can insert your video ID down there. There are many more features in this, such as: Mute, Pause, Loop and Play.

Will this be useful or useless? Share your thoughts and opinions!


Its pretty cool but the buttons dont work.

The buttons work perfectly fine.

This is a very good Project, there’s a bug where if you click disable loop it seems like the Video doesn’t play anymore, the solution to this is pasting the video ID into the bar.

Also, I’m the III guy ingame lol, amazing game, keep working on it! :slight_smile:

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They didnt work when i tried pressing them.

The solution to this is pasting the ID again.

The buttons work strangely why do you have to press the right button instead of the left I admit I don’t really understand otherwise very good game! :yum:

I made a small update where I fix the way the buttons work.