Feedback on my Roleplay Game

I’m currently working on a roleplay game, and I don’t know what else to add. Obviously, if you’re the only one in the server there wouldn’t be much to do, so don’t say there isn’t much to do.

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Not bad, I like it. Just needs a different UI style.

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Yeah, I know. The UI was supposed to be temporary.

Alrighty, other than that. Looks good.

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This isnt the type of game I’d roleplay in, this is the type of game I’d just chill with my friends in. Definitely going to follow the game, I’m excited to see what you can do in the future for this game.

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I can tell you’re going for more of a blocky feel, the game reminds me of the old neighbourhood of Robloxia and because of that I like it a lot! Its fun to drive the cars around, and if people were to join I’m sure it would be even more fun!

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