Feedback On my Royale High Inspired Parasol?


I’m currently working on a Parasol inspired by both Royale high and one of the halos in the game (Halloween 2019)

Reference Halo

I’m wondering if I could get any feedback on it? It’s not completely done yet but I would appreciate any sort of feedback or advice I could get on how to improve it ^^

(Keep in mind that the current textures are placeholders)


Why does the umbrella have holes, water will come through it.


It’s a parasol, they’re used to give shade from the sun :smiley_cat:


This is actually brilliant, you captured the design on point. It looks as if it was actually from the game.


I love it so much! It’s really good. I’d just change the texture on the chains since they look a bit weird in my opinion…I’m not sure why.

I like it but why don’t you like…make it realistic or make it glowing? Or something like that but still 9.5/10
Good job

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I did make it glowing! I posted it on twitter if you want to see how it looks now ^^

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Ok then 10/10 I guess good job keep it up
P.S: if there is a game about it give credit to whom you were inspired to create it with

Wow I would love to see this in game for halloween :+1:

Top Quality Stuff
It Be Cool And I Would Get It If It Released Into The Game !