Feedback on my Sci-Fi game

I made this game in 1 hour and im going to add more rooms, I want feedback and maybe suggestions about what I can add. Heres the game:

I would love to hear suggestions because I have no clue what I should add next. I will add a lobby.


Not bad. Could use some more color variety though…and I also noticed some part misalignment. Also, this skybox will make your build even better. :slight_smile:


Wow! it looks really good! Great job!

Looks great. Maybe change the skybox.

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Maybe add a bright color that pops such as green, red, orange, yellow, blue, ect. Also, I would like to see some more detail, maybe power boxes, wires, and maybe add more textures. Other than that, it seems to be a pretty decent game! :+1:

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