Hi developers, I will ask you all for some feedback on my hallway that I sort of spent like 5 hours making LOL. anyways, the screenshots below are taken at max graphics.
Neon is quite an overused feature in Roblox, especially in this context. I recommend somehow changing the material and adding a texture, more specifically to the circuit board itself and the wire. I’ve also noticed that the lighting doesn’t appear to be directional in all images, so I recommend adding lights instead of a SurfaceLight on the ceiling. Other than that, this seems perfect!
One thing that can make this hallway better is using pbr materials or a material variant. The hallway models are fine the way they are built in my opinion, but they look very plain with the default roblox materials.
I also agree with the other commenter about the neon, either use a different material or make the colors less saturated so the neon isn’t as obnoxious on that circuit board panel. And if you are gonna stick with the red neon on the pillars, add a red light to them so the hallway lighting matches your build.