Feedback on my second and third GFXes

Here’s my second and third GFX in order:

Any feedback?


in the second one, the person isn’t wearing shoes, and the texture is stretched. the hat is also tilted too much, and the lighting doesn’t look REAL. use planes (the mesh) with the emission shader on for better lighting.

for the first one,i can see many spots where lighting is too bright.Screen Shot 2021-06-17 at 11.05.08 AM Screen Shot 2021-06-17 at 11.05.19 AM
and more.
the arms and legs are weirdly connected to the body:Screen Shot 2021-06-17 at 11.05.45 AM Screen Shot 2021-06-17 at 11.05.54 AM Screen Shot 2021-06-17 at 11.06.01 AM

and the arms are r6 while the legs and torso are not, so that looks weird.

they’re ok, i’d say. 4.25/10


i like the glossy look of them. Do you use blender?


you replied to me, and judging by the lighting and posing, he is using an external 3d software


Nearly all of your points are either invalid or not applicable here. First of all, I just used a random avatar for this so it’s not my fault the clothing is stretched. Also, the hat is made like that. By the way, I used planes with emission shades on these. Your other points are valid though and I will definetely take them into concern in my future renders.


Thanks. And yes, I use blender. I only started making GFX today. Before today I had never even touched blender or rendering before.

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yeah, there are a lot of bright spots so bump down the strength of emission a lil bit.


I need help making gfx’s, do you mind helping me make my first as well? Its alr if not.

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