Feedback on my second build in Blender (imported it in Roblox Studio)

This is my second build.I did this in Blender and imported in Roblox Studio and give the parts some colours.Tell me If you like it.! Tips and Tricks are appreciated.


Hey, this looks really nice! I could imagine this in a low poly unity game! I suggest adding some height and texture to the sand, otherwise amazing. Is this for a game?

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no It isn’t for a game.I just made it myself.I used reference also.!

Did you follow Grant Abbitt’s Tutorial to make this Well. Because it look very similar.

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haha that’s what I wanted to question too! Not that there is anything wrong with that, Bob Ross of blender not gonna lie :joy: . His tutorials are great…


I’d reccomend making the sand more yellowish than the whiteish color it looks like, also maybe make the sand with sand material?

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Yea I did follow his way. Because Im learning Blender.I think you also watch his videos.Right.?
Im practicing more to improve my skills in Blender.I found his videos useful.You can watch his videos too.Have a nice day.!

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Lol.Im learning Blender from watching his videos.I also like low poly games.So, I’m kinda addicted to low poly modelling.