Feedback on my second game!

Helo, and I wanna show my second game!

You can play it here:

It’s game about obbies, you can get halos from special crate, sword fight, test your time, and do obbies. And there’s 3 leaderboards, most coins, most kills, and fastest time.

What can I add to this game? Maybe what I need to remove? Do you like style of this game?


I rate this game a solid 3/10 imo.

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I like the art-style but it needs more to it before I can properly judge it.

Thanks for feedback, this game is just 3 days old so yea im working on it, i will be making it less lag, and fixing bugs, yes there will be more obbies!

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Sorry, its not right topic, but

I tried to do

local s = "56.88"
local ss = string.len(s)

But printed text was


So is there other way to do it? Or can you explain me how to make GetStoredAsync with decimals?

Or i did something wrong, im new to scripting, like just 3-4 months

Alright i found solution, ill make it / 10 when its setting textlabels text, and ill add * 10 into other script

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Yeah, I forgot to mention only use the method with inserting a . if it’s already a string, otherwise /100.

There’s result

Oops forgot about timer, I’ll make it not visible in spawn

Before showing us this game please make sure it is in a working kinda condition.

This game needs more work, although I have a few ideas.

Add a lobby area with stats and teleporters to different obbies.

Different levels, completing can give you a badge.

Yes beating levels for badge is good idea, there’s one of the level I’m making now:

It’s thumbnail

This is completed obby:

And there’s how lobby looks like:

And I updated leaderboards, now numbers and place are more visible:

Yes spawn is not big, but im thinking about, to make it bigger

Amazing! Add a reward system maybe a tons of levels such as you get trails, increased speed, tools, x1 revives ect!!!

theres a halo crate system, someone told me good idea, add sword skins, trails not only halos, and yes its good idea