I finally finished my second gun model few hours ago, and decided to post it here to gather some feedback and possibly some suggestions concerning this Model or a couple of advice that i could use in the future.
I was going first for a Colt M4 Gun, but decided to change it a bit to make a custom weapon, and here it is. A combination of a Colt M4 and some other guns (Imbel Carabin).
All the feedback and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Yes, you should definitely start modelling if you think that’s what you want to do. It ain’t hard but you just gotta challenge yourself every single time and look up for youtube tutorials then follow step by step what you’re supposed to do, that’s how i learned blender.
I wish you some luck on your journey as a starting Modeller.
It’s a great gun model, espically for your first. If you really want more feedback, add a little bit more detail. But aside from that, I have nothing to criticise.
This model looks very nice! I have one question though, did you use 16-faced spheres on the smaller details such as the push pins and screws or are they also 32 faced?